Abbe Road Baptist Church was established in 1964 and has always had one priority: the proclamation of the gospel message - that Jesus Christ died to save us from our sins and He offers us the free gift of eternal life. We are committed to helping people come to know Jesus as their personal Savior, and to walk alongside them as they grow and mature into healthy, productive followers of Christ.
We are a community of people of all ages and different ethnic backgrounds. Yet, we hold something very special in common. We have become avid followers of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and the only Savior for all mankind. We are not into religion, man-made rules and traditions, or ourselves, but rather, we are about knowing, loving, and walking with the Lord. We take Him and discipleship seriously.
We'd love to have you visit us! You'll find a warm welcome and God-honoring worship, and solid biblical teaching from the Word of God. Please contact us if you have any questions.
Walking into a a new church for the first time or the first time in a long time, can be a bit intimidating. You can expect to be welcomed at Abbe Road. Our greeters are here to help direct you to the right place and provide guidance for child care or appropriate classrooms, and answer any questions you may have. Whatever your family size and wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you will find a caring group of believers here.
You can expect sound preaching based upon the authortiy and sufficiency of Scripture. We are blessed with a pastor who who loves the Word of God and preaches relevant messages on who God is, what He has provided for us and how He wants us to live.
You can expect worship music that honors God. We enjoy a blend of hymns, choruses and contemporary music rich in biblical content. We have serveral different worship teams that love to serve God and our church family by leading us in worship.
We look forward to meeting you!
Nursery is is available for ages three and under
Sunday School - 9:30am
Morning Worship - 10:30am
Evening Worship - 6:00pm
Wednesdays at 6:30pm
Men's Prayer Fellowsip
Moms & Mentors
Awana Clubs (September - May)
Office Hours
Monday - closed
Tuesday - Friday - 8:30am - 2:30pm